Ping Mag Interview
Written by Ryoko
Translated by Rie Ishimi

ゴム素材のものに彫られた細かな美しい線。その線とインクから生まれる絵柄には、手仕事ならではの趣がある。決して機械では表現できない技で作られる素敵なハンコ、ゴム版。今回Ping Mag は、現在、東京・お茶の水にあるギャラリー「美篶堂」で開催されている「八朔ゴムはん作品展」を訪れ、ゴム版アーティストである片岡知子さんに、ご自身の作品について色々お話を伺った。
  Beautifully delicate lines are carved into the rubber generating expressive designs with ink - what unique quality of handiworks! Try producing such a rubber stamp with a machine ... For today, Ping Mag is visitting the special exhibition of Tokyo-based artist Tomoko Kataoka who was pleased to tell us all about her refined art business called HASSAK Rubber Stamp.



○How did you get into rubber stamps?

Originally, I majored in sculpture at art university. After graduating, I had various part-taime jobs until, one day, a friend spotted a small stamp I had made for one of my design jobs. That was my start with rubber stamps! Afterwards, I had the oppotunity to exhibit my works at events thanks to a couple of people I had met. Gradually, I started having my own workshops and exhibitions.
□A lovely invitation card printed with rubber stamps.

□From the "Hassak" collection

  □..... with such delicate patterns!

  ○"Hassak Rubber Stamp" is your art business and also the title of your exhibition. That makes me curious:What does HASSAK mean?

When I started my rubber stamp business, I thought that I might need some kind of trade name. That was just during the fruit season and "Hassaku" means "fruits" in Japanease. But also, I thought it would be nice to pick a name that would remind me of the season or atmosphere in which I met certain people for the first time. That is the story of the "HASSAK Rubber Stamp" name.


□ゴム版で作った年賀状 □A New Year's greeting card,made with a rubber stamp...

□...and shop logo made of a stamp with a cute illustration.


  ○Do you make all the designs by yourself or do also customers come up with their own ideas?

Well, some are my own and some are custom-made. As for privete clients, Ioften create custom-made stamps in total accordance with tehir original designs. However, with business orders I usually bring in my own creativity regarding the logo of a shop, for example.

□本の中に入っている階段のマークは、片岡さんが参加しているイベントのロゴマークをアレンジしたものだとか   □Picture puzzle! See the steps through the book.

  □A beautiful stamp serving as the "Kagerou" bookstore's bookmark.


  □Tomoko explains: "The "Ogawa" bookstore ordered this rubber stamp: a cool airplane garnered with a beautifl typeface!

例えばこれは、小川書店という戦争関係の資料を取り扱っている本屋さんのオーダーメイドのハンコなのですが、お店の方から飛行機を入れて欲しいという要望があり、そのお店の資料にあった航空三面図を版にしました。その資料には、他にも面白い図柄が沢山載っていたので、個人的にも色々彫ってみました。古本にある絵は版との相性も凄く良いんですよね。   For example, these are custom-made stamps ardered by the "Ogawa" bookstore that has also some books on war on its shelves. The shop wanted a something with an airplane as design. So, I ended ap making the stamps from templates I found in this bookstore's magazines and books. I also found a lot of other interesting graphics there which I later used for my own designs. I noticed that graphics in old books work extremely well as templates for my rubber stamps.

  □Rubber stamps for the garden terrace shop YAMADA SHIGEO LANDSCAPING.


□A Rubber stamp to be used on several surfaces apart from book covers.

My works include both ideaand concept for the shops that order the stamps. However, I repect their ideas and they are usually happy to share the final design with me.

□Several rubber plates with each line being carefully carved out.

□Another beautiful New Year's card.

□Funny design of a man reading a book. Watch how the coffee steam elegantly rises up ……
For these stamps I was inspired by the designs I've seen in an old book about mathematics. The stamps with the small circles in the corners are named "After Rain Arithmetic"(left image) and tha one without the circles go as "Arithmetic" (right).

□マルが付いている「雨あがりの算数」(左) と 普通の「算数」(右)
□The "After Rain Arithmetic" stamp series ……
…… and the "Arithmetic" one.




○Now we would like to know the details of these wonderfully handcrafted works: How do you make the rubber plates?

First I make a rough sketch on paper. Then, I print the image of the drawing on a rubber plate and start carving it out slowly, leaving the lines which will be inked-up later. Iuse a design knife for that. Also I give workshops where I introduce to people the 'how-to carve'.

□Tomoko's workshop for making rubber plates.

□ワークショップに参加した人々の作品と手前には、デザイン・ナイフ。どれもキレイで思わずビックリ!自分だけの模様が作れるなんて……。 □These stamps were made by her workshop participants. Below you see the special design knife for carving. These designs look all so wonderful! And everybody can do it ……


○Do you make any other works with rubber plates, too?

For example, I made a rubber stamp design for this fabric I dyed with plant dye. Once a month. I participate in a plant dyeing workshop and usually dye a fabric cloth with seasonal plants, such as Akane apple, gardenia or chstnut.
Sometimes I dye with grass that simply grows around here. I just started it from this spring and I am really looking forward to collect more colours throughout this year.


□Such a sweet little rubber stamp fish design!

□Such a sweet little rubber stamp fish design!

□A loofah ……

□……and, again, many books!


○Do you have a final message for aspiring rubber stamp artists?

I am most delighted of the thought of "what I can make," rather than finishing a piece of work. And I'd be more than glad if people feel the potential that in these rubber stamp works-and try out what they can do with their own abilities ……


「八朔ゴムはん作品展」は 美篶堂ギャラリーで6月24日(日)まで開催していますので、是非足を運んでみて下さい。

Thank you Tomoko Kataoka!

Now, Hurry up! "HASSAK Rubber Stamp" exhibition runs only through this Sunday,June 24th, at Misuzu'do Ochanomizu Tokyo gallery. Also, friendly persons with a love for rubber stamps are even welcomed to get in touch with Tomoko personally.


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